These can be had by going to the View menu and selecting either the Scientific or Programmer versions of Calculator. Scientists, Engineers and Programmers can delight in the fact that there are calculators that cater to their specialized needs as well. The Basic calculator, while providing the simple functionality for arithmetic calculations, does provide memory storage and recall features. The Calculator feature set has not changed over several iterations of OS X, including Mavericks. Desk Accessories were available from the Apple menu. They were little widgets – very similar to what we have in in the OS X Dashboard today – that provided various bits of functionality while another application was running. The few remaining Macintosh veterans who can even remember back that far will recall that in a very rudimentary way, Desk Accessories were a first glimpse into the wonders of multitasking at a time when this technology was unheard of for personal computers. Back then, it was a simple four-function calculator program that came as a stock Desk Accessory. The Calculator application has been a staple on the Mac since it’s introduction on the original Macintosh 128k back in the primordial days of 1984. The original Macintosh Calculator was useful but pretty crude by today’s design standards Of course, it’s a different story in iOS where the Calculator app is practically in your face, so I’ll spend more time on the OS X version of Calculator.
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As with other free little gems that come installed standard on each and every Mac, Apple does not make their availability obvious. I realize that at first glance, a how-to piece on using the OS X and iOS Calculator might seem pretty lame, but the reality is the majority of Mac users are not aware that a calculator app even exists. So, how many of my readers know that OS X comes with a fairly fully-featured calculator? Any guesses as to what it’s called? If you’re already an occasional user of Calculator, did you know that there is more than meets the eye? Well, there is… and there’s quite a bit.