The server timezone is UTC and its language is English. MapleStory Global, also known as GlobalMS or GMS, is the version of MapleStory that serves North America, Oceania and Europe, but it has once served a global audience, excluding those from countries that already have their own version. However, players cannot copy characters from the official server, and players must train a character from scratch, so CMST version updates will not erase players data. Obtaining a CMST account requires waiting for participating in the CMS official forum Tespia group recruiting activity. In addition to the follow-up of the original content of KMS, CMST may also test various overseas exclusive theme dungeons and activities earlier. The server date is usually 3-4 weeks ahead of exact date despite the server timezone is the same to official server. Due to population differences between worlds, worlds in all gateways were merged.ĬMST will generally be opened within 2-3 weeks before the end of the current version of the official server, and closed within 1-2 weeks after the version of the official server is updated, and meant to test the content of the next official server version update. Until September 2019, there were 44 regular worlds in CMS. ChinaMS is owned and operated by Shanghai Shulong Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. Its primary language is Simplified Chinese. MapleStory China, officially called Adventure Island Online ( CN:冒险岛 pinyin: mào xiǎn dǎo), also known as ChinaMS or CMS, is the version of MapleStory that serves China and the server timezone is CST (UTC+8). JapanMS was temporarily closed on 13 March 2011 because of the tsunamis hitting northeastern Japan, but has resumed since 24 March 2011. JapanMS is owned and operated by NEXON JP Co. MapleStory Japan ( JP:メイプルストーリー romaji: Meipuru Sutōrī), also known as JapanMS or JMS, is the version of MapleStory that serves Japan and the server timezone is JST (UTC+9). KoreaMS is owned and operated by NEXON Korea Co., Ltd. MapleStory Korea ( KR:메이플스토리 romaja: Meipeul Seutori), also known as KoreaMS or KMS, is the version of MapleStory that serves South Korea and the server timezone is KST (UTC+9). the lack of training grounds for one to level up their characters). The purpose of inputting several different worlds is diverting traffic to prevent overpopulation on one single world that can cause displeasure to one’s gaming experiences (e.g. These servers are further divided into "worlds" where different communities and distinct economies exist within. Moreover, due to physical constraints, players will experience lag if they play on servers outside of their own regional ones.
Some servers’ registration processes also prevent foreign players from creating an account in the game.
In order to cater to the players outside of South Korea, regional servers, along with their localised variations, were introduced around the globe.Īll servers require players to play in their own regions where attempts of entering a different regional server may be unsuccessful as their IP addresses will usually be blocked by the server. Still so dumb that you can't exchange items between YOUR OWN characters.MapleStory is a game which originates from South Korea that has gain worldwide popularity over the years since its launch in 2003. If you go this route, I'd suggest avoiding bera, it's a laggy hellhole riddled with bots. If you want to be able to trade, or buy and sell things with other players, you'll want to choose any of the other servers. This is the intent of the server, and will not be changed. You can't even transfer equipment through storage. There is no market, no player-to-player trades. Keep in mind, though, that the rate of tier-ups is just as awful on reboot as it is on other servers, so the only advantage you'd be gaining is not having to sink actual money into the game to do a large amount of cubing all at once.Īnother factor to be aware of with reboot is the lack of trading. You can buy many enhancement items(cubes, circulators, potential stamps, etc) for mesos, rather than nx. If you can handle a seemingly never-ending grind for mesos, then you may find enjoyment in playing on reboot. Hi I'm new to Maple and I just want to know what's the best server to join and is f2p